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Settings Menu

The settings menu gives you options for configuring DJ.Studio.

Fleur van der Laan avatar
Written by Fleur van der Laan
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Open the settings menu by clicking the cog icon in the right corner of the top bar of the studio.

In the settings menu, there are currently 11 sections in 3 categories:


  1. General

  2. Account

  3. Billing

  4. Folders


  1. Interface

  2. Transitions

  3. Keyboard Shortcuts

  4. Performance


  1. Online Services

  2. Library

  3. Extensions

1 - General

App language

To change the language of the DJ.Studio interface:

  1. Go to Settings > General > App Language

  2. Select your preferred language from the list.



To select the audio device that plays sound:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Audio > Output

  2. Choose your preferred audio output device.

Apply Auto Gain

To automatically normalize track volume:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Audio > Apply Auto Gain

  2. Enable this option to balance volume across all tracks in your mix.

Musical Key

Key to use

To select the platform for determining the musical key of tracks:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Musical Key > Key to Use

  2. Choose one of the following options:

    • DJ.Studio – Uses DJ.Studio’s built-in key detection.

    • Mixed In Key – Uses Mixed In Key (MIK) if you own the extension.

    • Original – Uses any pre-analyzed key from the track’s metadata.

Key notation

To choose how keys are displayed in DJ.Studio:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Musical Key > Key Notation

  2. Select your preferred key display format:

    • Camelot Key – Uses the Camelot Wheel notation. (Example: C Major = 8B, D Minor = 7A)

    • Open Key – Displays keys using the Open Key system. (Example: C Major = 1d, D Minor = 12m)

    • Musical Note – Displays keys in standard music notation. (Example: C Major = C, D Minor = Dm)

Choose the format that is easiest for you to understand.


BPM Range

To set the BPM range for your music analysis and BPM in the timeline:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Analysis > BPM Range

  2. Select the BPM range that best fits the music you mix most often.

Beat Grid:

To choose how DJ.Studio analyzes and applies the beat grid:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Analysis > Beat grid

  2. Select one of the following options:

    • Auto Mode – DJ.Studio automatically determines whether to use a Fixed or AI Beatgrid based on the track’s characteristics.

    • Fixed Beat Grid – Best for tracks with a consistent tempo. The beat grid remains static, ensuring stable beat alignment during mixing.

    • AI Beat Grid – Adjusts dynamically to tempo changes in tracks, including intros, outros, and breakdowns. This ensures smooth transitions and prevents unexpected tempo shifts.

Choose the beat grid mode that best suits your mixing style.

2 - Account

To view your account information and public profile go to Settings > Account. Here, you can find details about your account and public profile.

3 - Billing

To view and manage your subscription plan go to Settings > Billing.

Here, you can:

  • See your current plan and available upgrades.

  • Enter your activation code in case you haven't activated your license yet during the free trial.

  • Generate a personal referral code to receive a $30 Amazon gift card when a friend makes a purchase.

  • Check how many days are left in your trial or view your subscription type.

  • Access a link to the purchase system or manage your subscription plan.

4 - Folders

To set the folder locations for various DJ.Studio databases go to Settings > Folders

Here, you can customize the following locations:

  • Export Location – Change where your mix exports are stored.

  • Database Location – Change where your DJ.Studio database is stored (useful if you work with a portable database).

  • Extension Install Location – Change where your extensions are installed.

  • Custom VST Folder Location – Change where your VSTs are stored on your computer.


5 - Interface

To customize the interface settings in DJ.Studio:

  1. Go to Settings > Studio > Interface

  2. Here, you can:

    • Enable Sample Lanes – Choose whether to display 2 or 3 sample lanes in the Studio.

    • Enable Voice-Over Lane – Add a voice-over lane for jingles or DJ tags. This feature side-chains the voice-over to the master, slightly lowering the music volume to make room for the voice.

6 - Transitions

To set default parameters for transitions:

  1. Go to Settings > Studio > Transitions

  2. Here, you can configure the same options available in the Transition Tab within the Harmonize Window.

  3. Additionally, you can enable or disable:

    • Automatically Select Transition Tab – When you are playing music in the Studio, you can decide if you want DJ.Studio to automatically switch to the Transition Tab when the playhead reaches a transition.
      This option is only available in the settings screen and not in the Harmonize > Transitions screen.

7 - Keyboard Shortcuts

To view and customize keyboard shortcuts in DJ.Studio:

  1. Go to Settings > Studio > Keyboard Shortcuts

  2. To change a keyboard shortcut:

    • Find the shortcut you want to modify.

    • Click the Set button next to the shortcut.

    • Press the key or key combination you want to assign as the new shortcut.

Your new shortcut will now be applied.

8 - Performance

The Performance settings allow you to adjust how DJ.Studio’s engine runs. Optimizing these settings can improve software efficiency based on your computer's capabilities.

If you experience audio glitches or errors, lowering certain settings may help. More powerful machines can run DJ.Studio with higher performance settings.


To adjust the buffer size of the audio engine go to Settings > Performance > Buffer Size

What is the buffer size?

  • The buffer is a small delay between when audio is processed and when it is played through your speakers.

  • A buffer helps prevent glitches by giving your computer enough time to process audio before outputting it.

Why does buffer size matter?

  • If the buffer is too low, your computer may struggle to process audio in time, leading to glitches or audio dropouts.

  • If the buffer is too high, there will be a delay (latency) between actions and audio output giving your computer more time to calculate the audio before rendering it.

When to adjust the buffer size:

  • Increase the buffer size if you experience audio glitches, dropouts, or performance issues.

  • Decrease the buffer size if you want lower latency for a more responsive experience, this works best on high-performance machines.

60 tracks limit

To enable or disable the 60-track limit go to Settings > Performance > 60 Tracks Limit. By default, this setting limits mixes to 60 tracks.

  • Disabling this limit is not recommended unless your system has at least 16GB of RAM to handle larger projects.

Realtime Repitch

The realtime repitch setting determines how the audio is repitched by the DJ.Studio engine. These settings can be found at Settings > Performance > Realtime Repitch

Real-time repitch influences the pitch of music if the track's original tempo is changed. If you speed up or slow down a track, real-time repitch will ensure that the key of the track isn't affected.

For older machines, real-time repitching can be a demanding process, causing your audio to stutter.

  • Enable Realtime repitch for a smooth experience and correct keys during playback.

  • Only Disable Realtime repitch by setting it to Off on older machines to make playing audio in DJ.Studio less resource demanding. If you have changed the BPM, long notes can get volume dips between beats in the Studio. When you export the mix, you can enable Repitch in the Export screen. During export the repitch doesn't need to be done in realtime and DJ.Studio will make sure that during the export, the pitch will sound good.

Frame Rate

The Frame Rate setting determines the Frames Per Second (FPS) of the visual rendering of DJ.Studio’s interface. Go to Settings > Performance > Frame Rate

Choose a frame rate setting:

  • High Frame Rate – Delivers a smoother visual experience but requires more GPU power.

  • Medium Frame Rate – Balances smooth visuals and performance.

  • Low Frame Rate – Reduces graphical demand for better performance on older machines.

The frame rate setting does not affect audio playback, only the visual experience.

Faster machines will be able to handle a higher frame rate, but older machines will cope better with lower settings.

Waveform resolution

To change the waveform resolution for Retina and other high resolution displays go to Settings > Performance > Waveform Resolution.

Blink Fix

To fix the issue with blinking graphics in the studio go to Settings > Performance > Blink Fix

  • Enable this option only if you experience blinking graphics in DJ.Studio.


This section lets you modify connections with other software and services.

9 - Online Services

To connect your DJ.Studio account to other platforms:

  1. Go to Settings > Connections > Online Services

  2. Here, you can link DJ.Studio to supported services, including:

    • Mixcloud – Click Connect to link your Mixcloud account. Once connected, you can export and upload finished mixes directly to your Mixcloud profile.

    • Beatport & Beatport Streaming – Connect your Beatport account to integrate with DJ.Studio.

    • Mixed In Key Integration – Manage your connection to Mixed In Key for key and energy detection.

When connecting an account, you will be redirected to the respective platform to complete the authorization process.

10 - Library

To select your preferred DJ music library software for use within DJ.Studio go to Settings > Connections > Library and choose a music library software to connect with DJ.Studio.

Selecting an external music library is only available in the DJ.Studio app.

Once selected, the chosen library will appear as a tab in the Library. From there, you can set up the connection and access your external library within DJ.Studio.

11 - Extensions

To activate, install, and manage extensions in DJ.Studio go to Settings > Connections > Extensions

Here, you can:

  • Activate extensions

  • Install new extensions

  • Manage existing extensions, such as Stem Separation

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