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VST3 and AU Effect Plugins

Using VST Plugins in DJ.Studio

Noah Feasey-Kemp avatar
Written by Noah Feasey-Kemp
Updated over a week ago

DJ.Studio now features VST and AU Effect Plugin integration, learn how to use it in this guide. Note, these features are in Closed Beta, and may not currently be available in the main version of DJ.Studio. You can request access via


  1. DJ.Studio is not a DAW for producing music. We try to keep things simple, and that's why we only support Audio effect plugins, no instruments in any way.
    So if you don't see all of your plugins, it's probably because you have a lot of instrument plugins.

  2. We have implemented support for VST3.

  3. A maximum amount of 4 VST effects can be added.

  4. Plugins are independently running applications, which can cause a lot of issues. Just like in other DAWs you will see in DJ.Studio that some plugins won't work. We can't give support in getting all of your plugins to work because we don't control these other applications.

  5. At the moment, DJ.Studio can not scan the plugin properties, so we show all plugins by file name, not filtered by type. So a lot of plugins that you select will not work

  6. After activating a plugin, the keyboard focus are connected to the plugin and you need to click in DJ.Studio itself to get the focus back. So activating a plugin, the Space bar button won't work to play the music in DJ.Studio. You need to click first in DJ.Studio.

In the guide below we will use the word VST to refer to both VST and AU plugins because it all works the same.

Activating VST and AU Support in DJ.Studio

  1. Please read our Disclaimer before you start. It contains really important information and can avoid dissapointments

  2. Open the DJ.Studio Settings panel.

  3. Go to the Interface tab, and enable VST Support

    If you don't see this VST Support option, go to Settings > Account > Check what email address is mentioned and click Sign out. Log back in with the same email address.

  4. Wait for DJ.Studio to scan your VST library.

  5. VSTs should now be enabled.

Using VSTs in DJ.Studio

VSTs can only be used in Local File projects, due to the way projects work. They cannot be used with YouTube.

  1. Open a Local File project.

  2. Go to the Studio view.

  3. Open the Effects Tab from the bottom of the screen.

  4. At the right edge of the effects rack, you will see a + Add VST button. Click this.

  5. You will now see a list of available Effect plugins

  6. Click the plugin you want to add to your project and wait for it to load.

  7. Your plugin should now be displayed in a floating window.

  8. Handling your VST:
    1. you can enable/disable the plugin with the yellow circle in the top left corner.
    2. You can show and hide the separate VST window by clicking on the title.
    3. You can remove the VST from DJ.Studio with the X.
    VSTs are globally added to all of your projects.

  9. You can change the settings using controls in the plugin's interface, or assign two parameters to use in the X/Y pad.

  10. You can also use the automation lanes to adjust parameters over time. Simply adjust a parameter in the plugin, and the parameter will appear as an automatable line.

  11. The master bus can have separate VSTs that are applied to all audio tracks. This works in the same way as the Effects VST system.

When you have finished your mix, Export your mix as usual, and it will include all the VST processing in the final audio file.

Still open work items Aug 29:

The following items still need to be fixed:

  1. Plugin window scaling issues

  2. Faulty plugins may cause DJ.Studio to crash (no sandboxing and plugin scanning is in process)

  3. Plugins windows automatically grab keyboard focus

  4. Plugin automation is not always removed when removing a plugin

  5. Plugin automation for the master does not work correctly

  6. Plugins are still visible when switching to another app

  7. Audio processing issue at the start of a loop region

  8. Switching from master to effects tab incorrectly hides master plugins

  9. Switching from effects to master tab does not hide effect plugin window

  10. we don't support custom plugin folders yet

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