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Carousel View

Learn how to edit your mix using the simplified Carousel Mode

Noah Feasey-Kemp avatar
Written by Noah Feasey-Kemp
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Carousel view offers a simple and intuitive interface for creating and editing mixes in DJ.Studio.

You can open Carousel mode from the four-way selector at the top middle of the screen.

This is ideal for beginners and people who are not familiar with audio editor software. It's also great if you just want to make a quick mix.

While the interface looks simple, it still has the potential to perform accurate and detailed work.

The carousel editor is split into two main sections: the top carousel, and the bottom timeline.

The timeline shows the waveforms for the tracks arranged in the carousel.

You can change the position of tracks by dragging them around the lower timeline.

If you want to change the order of songs, you should move over to Playlist View.

Transition Presets

Simply click on one of the icons in between two tracks on the carousel, and you will be able to choose a new preset for the transition.

There are four transition presets, each with a unique approach:

  • Crossfade - A volume transition that fades out the out current track, while turning up the new track. Crossfade keeps the total volume at a consistent level, maintaining the energy and creating a smooth transition

  • Bass Swap - A bass transition where the low-frequency elements of the first track are instantly swapped out with the next track's. This can create a high-impact transition while still maintaining the overall volume output.

  • High to Low - A High to Low transition filters the high frequencies down in the first track, leaving only the bass. Simultaneously, the second track starts as bass only, and gradually the mid and high frequencies are revealed, creating a smooth, frequency-based fade.

  • Low to High - A Low to High transition gradually filters the low frequencies out of the first track, leaving only the treble. Simultaneously, the second track starts with high frequencies only, and slowly the mids and bass are revealed.

Custom Transitions

You can also create custom transitions from the editor. Click the 'Custom' Tab on the transition panel, and you will be given extra controls.

This lets you choose automation presets across any of the transition parameters, including the volume, 3-band EQ, effects, and more.

You can use any of the basic fade shapes, or use the 'Manual' option to draw in custom automation lines in the timeline editor below the carousel.

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