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Mix Dashboard

DJ.Studio has a handy project manager that lets you organize, save and load, and perform other tasks relating to your mix projects.

Noah Feasey-Kemp avatar
Written by Noah Feasey-Kemp
Updated over a week ago

The Project Manager / Dashboard lets you manage all your DJ.Studio mixes from one place, and gives access to other features and operations.

From here you can:

  • Create new mixes

  • Manage existing mixes

  • Manage your music library

  • Open DJ.Studio settings

  • Backup and import mixes

  • Access the DJ.Studio academy

The Project Browser window shows all your saved DJ.Studio mix projects, as well as a range of information and actions relating to each one.

To Open the Dashboard from within a mix - either click the Home button at the top left, or select Close from the menu dropdown.

Creating New Mixes

You will see the option to Start a New Mix at the bottom left corner, or in the project gallery.

This lets you create new mixes and presents you with some choices over the type of project you want to work with.

Find out the differences between these types here > Local Music vs YouTube Mixes

Managing Projects

When you click on one of your existing projects, you will be presented with the following project management operations.

Open / Edit / Duplicate / Backup / Delete


This opens the chosen project.


This lets you change the information for the selected mix, including the Title, Artist, Genre, and Description.


This creates a new duplicate of the selected mix. This is useful if you want to experiment with a mix, without losing the current state of work.


This creates a DJ.Studio mix backup file (in .DJS format), which can be re-imported into any other instance of DJ.Studio using the Import Mix function.

In case of any issues with your mix, our support desk might ask for a backup of your mix, so our developers can figure out the issue and fix it.

  1. In DJ.Studio go to Mixes > Backup

  2. Make the backup with the setting "Include Audio files" enabled.
    If you plan on sending the mix to another machine, you should make sure this option is enabled. This will add the audio files to the .DJS folder, so you can restore the entire mix.

  3. In case of a support issue: Share the created .DJS file via a Google Drive, WeTransfer or Dropbox link with

After the backup packaging is complete, you will be prompted to select a folder location to store the backup .DJS file.


This deletes the mix from your hard drive. Be careful, as this cannot be undone.

Mix Info Panel

There are three different tabs showing information about the selected mix.

This has three tabs - Tracklist, Details, and History.


This tab shows information relating to the tracklist of the chosen mix.

It includes the following for each track in a mix: Track Number, Key, BPM, Track Name

This can be useful information for certain situations, such as seeing info about the tracks or taking notes for a radio show.

Mix Details

This tab shows you information about the mix. You can update these details from the edit button.

The information displays include:

  • Mix Name

  • Artist

  • Date Created

  • Date Last Modified

  • Mix Version

  • Mix Duration

  • Track Count

  • Genre

  • Description


This exports a .txt file containing the timestamp information, and name of each track. You can use this text to import the details into YouTube and Mixcloud, which use it to automatically create chapter dividers.


This tab shows you save history for the mix. It shows the mix version number, followed by any dates where changes were made to the mix.

From here, you can load previous versions of your mix saves.

For example, you might have made some mistakes in a more recent version, and want to go back to an early save.

Simply double-click on the version you wish to load to restore it's earlier save state.

Restore / Import Mix

The Import Mix function lets you import any .DJS files created by the backup function of DJ.Studio.

Simply click the 'Import Mix' button, then select the .DJS file you would like to restore. After a few short moments, your restored mix will be added to the mix browser.

You can find out how to create DJ.Studio Mix Backups in the linked section.

Source Browser

The left-hand panel gives you access to a range of sources within DJ.Studio.

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