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Video Creator

The video creator is a powerful tool that lets you produce videos for your mixes from directly within the DJ.Studio software.

Fleur van der Laan avatar
Written by Fleur van der Laan
Updated this week

The DJ.Studio Video Creator is a flexible tool and can let you create a wide range of video styles, and enable you to arrange them on the timeline however you choose.

Editing Video Settings

Click the Video Tab at the bottom of the screen in Studio View to open the video editor.

From here, you can configure the video settings for each track in your mix.

You have two options for adjusting videos, and creating new effects clips:

  1. Click on a track in the timeline, and adjust the settings for the entire track.

  2. Create new 'clips' for manually arranging parameters over time (Right-click > add video) this will create a yellow video frame. This gives you more flexibility and allows you to control the videos on the timeline.

Video Options

The video editor essentially gives you different visual sources that can be combined to change the background color of your video mixes when you export them as a video file.

  1. Backgrounds

    1. Animation

    2. Shadertoy

    3. Album art

    4. Video

    5. Image

    6. Color

  2. Track Information

  3. Spectrum Analyzer

  4. Particles

  5. Transition

  6. Global Text

In the video tab, you will also see a button saying โ€œApply settings to all tracksโ€. This copies the configuration from the currently selected track to all others in the mix.

Video Backgrounds

You can choose from 6 different background styles for the mixes and mashups that you want to export as a video:


Animation backgrounds let you choose from 99 different trippy animations. Some of these are audio reactive too - meaning they dance in time to your music!

You can either choose a fixed single animation for each track or use the random mode.

When using the Random mode, you are given the choice of cycling between random animations in 8/16/32/64 bar intervals.


Shadertoy is a cool new animation feature for the video engine. This connects to the enormous Shadertoy Library, where you can access over 30,000 community video algorithms to use in your mix videos.

Because a lot of these are high-definition 3D video animations, we suggest that you only use this feature if you have a decent graphics card in your computer.

There are several controls for Shadertoy.

  1. Library Selection Dropdown: Choose between

    1. Best of - A selection of cool Shadertoys chosen by the DJ.Studio team.

    2. Popular - View the highest-ranked Shadertoys in the library.

    3. Music - Shadertoys specifically designed for music

    4. Favorites - Create your own library of favorites

    5. Manual - Enter in the Shadertoy ID manually to use any styles from the library.

  2. Shadertoy Selector Dropdown - Pick a Shadertoy from your chosen library selection.

  3. Arrows - Move back/forward in the list.

  4. Love Heart - Add the loaded Shadertoy to your Favorites.

  5. Sync With Beat - Forces the animation to react in time to the beat of the current song.

You will see this URL bar:

Simply paste in the URL of a toy from the Shadertoy Library website.

When you've found a toy on the website, just copy the URL from the address bar and paste it into the box.

Album Art

This displays the album art (attached to the imported file) as the background of your DJ.Studio video mix


Use your own video material or upload MP4 files in DJ.Studio to set the background to Video. This allows you to upload a custom video file to play alongside the song or mix MP4 files directly, displaying the music video in sync with the track.


Import any image from your computer to use as a background for your video mix.


You can choose a solid block color to fill the background of your DJ.Studio video mix when you export it as a video file.

Track Information

Track information like artist's name, track name, and album artwork, can be displayed on top of the background layer of your DJ.Studio Video mix.

You have four choices of Track Information display type in your video:

  1. None (no info displayed)

  2. Bottom = Info is displayed in the lower left corner

  3. Top = Info is displayed in the upper left corner

  4. Center = Info is displayed in a central panel with a square album cover

  5. Center round = Info is displayed in a central panel with a round album cover

Spectrum Analyser

The spectrum analyzer creates an audio-reactive waveform that replicates the spectral (frequency) contents of the mix in real-time. This can be a nice addition to a video.

There are three style options for the spectrum analyzer:

  1. None - No spectrum is displayed

  2. Style 1 - A futuristic, colored spectrum is displayed.

  3. Style 2 - A white, bar-based spectrum is displayed.

There are two further controls for the analyzer display, given as sliders:

  1. Spectrum analyzer intensity - this determines how much amplification is given to the spectrum signal. This lets you match the spectrum to the level of gain in each track.

  2. Spectrum analyzer blur - This changes the refresh rate of the spectrum, letting you create quicker or slower-moving spectrum movements.

Note - The placement of the spectrum on-screen depends on the settings for the Track Information component.

With no information, the spectrum runs across the bottom of the screen.

  • For ยผ and โ…™ modes, the spectrum runs horizontally, just above the information.

  • In Center mode the spectrum is placed on either side of the central album display.


This toggles extra particle effects overlaid on the video screen.

Wave Line

A toggle for displaying a white line representing the audio wave in real time.


A dropdown to select how the video transitions from one style to the next, each with a varied visual animation. Crossfade/Iris Wipe/Heart/Glitch/Blend

Global Text

Shows some text across the entire video, useful for putting the name of your mix, YouTube channel, DJ name, or other info.

How To Export Videos

Exporting videos is easy.

Simply click Export, then choose Local File > Video

From here, you can select the video resolution to create the finished file.

See the Export Article for more information.


Can I mix with MP4 files?

Yes, you can mix met MP4 files! Simply upload your MP4 track to DJ.Studio. Then, open the Video tab, go to to Background > Video and set it to Track video to use the video material from the track that you uploaded when exporting your mix as a video mix.

Can I change the look and feel of the Studio?

It is not possible to change the look and feel of the Studio in DJ.Studio. DJ.Studio is not customizable, so you can't change the backgroundcolor of the app, or the location of controls.

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