DJ.Studio can connect directly to your iTunes/ Apple Music library to import tracks.
This means you can use your iTunes library without needing to import all the tracks.
Note, that you can only use software connections in the installed app version of DJ.Studio, not the browser version.
On Windows, this is called iTunes, on Mac it's called Apple Music - look for the relevant option.
Follow the steps below to set up and use this connection!
How To Connect iTunes / Apple Music to DJ.Studio
To connect iTunes / Apple Music :
Click the Settings cog in the top right
Scroll down to Connections, click on the Library Tab, and Enable iTunes / Apple Music
You may see a popup asking for permission to connect. Make sure you accept or the connections won't work.
Wait for DJ.Studio to locate and connect your iTunes / Apple Music library.
You can now enjoy iTunes / Apple Music integration!
How To Use Your iTunes / Apple Music Library in DJ.Studio
After connecting the iTunes/ Apple music you will now be able to view all of your playlists and complete iTunes / Apple Music music library in DJ.Studio.
To see your iTunes / Apple MusicLibrary:
Create a New Mix
Click Add Tracks
Select the iTunes / Apple Music Tab from the top bar in your library
4. Click the +icon at the end a row to select the tracks
5. Click the yellow Add tracks button in the bottom right corner to add the tracks to your mix.
Note: if you are using iTunes on Windows:
1. Open iTunes
2. Open the settings menu (Edit -> Settings)
3. Go to the 'Advanced' tab
4. Enable 'Share iTunes Library XML with other applications':
Adding Apple Music Tracks to DJ.Studio
Please note that DJ.Studio cannot import tracks directly from Apple Music due to DRM (Digital Rights Management) restrictions. Streaming files from Apple Music are protected, meaning you need to own the tracks by purchasing them before they can be added to your DJ mixes. If you receive the error message “Apple Music track could not be imported because it is DRM protected,” this is likely the cause. We recommend downloading and using purchased files for your mixes.
Frequently Asked Questions about iTunes and Apple music
Whats the difference between iTunes and Apple Music?
iTunes and Apple Music are two slightly different services. Apple Music is a term used to describe both Apple's music streaming service, and the iTunes-style management service on Mac platforms (which used to be called iTunes).
On windows, iTunes is still called iTunes, and Apple Music is a separate service for streaming music.
Why can't I mix with Apple Music Files?
You can mix with Apple Music files you have purchased, however you cannot use the files you downloaded via the streaming subscription for Apple Music. Because you don't technically own these files, you're renting them, you cannot use them for any re-recording purposes. This is a legal limitation of Apple Music's DRM.
Why can’t I add Apple Music tracks to DJ.Studio?
If you're receiving the error "Apple Music track could not be imported because it is DRM protected," it means the track is protected by Digital Rights Management. Apple Music streaming tracks cannot be used for DJ mixing. You must own the tracks—meaning you need to purchase them—before they can be added to your DJ.Studio projects.
Apple music / Itunes integration is not working
If the Apple music / Itunes integration is not working it could be that you forgot to give DJ.Studio access.
These are the steps to Reset Apple Music Permissions for DJ.Studio on Mac:
Open System Settings (Click the Apple logo > System Settings).
Navigate to Privacy & Security.
Scroll down and select Media & Apple Music.
Look for DJ.Studio in the list.
If it's disabled, enable it.
If it's missing, reinstall DJ.Studio to trigger the permission request again.