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Sample Tracks

Learn how to add extra samples to your mixes with Sample Tracks.

Noah Feasey-Kemp avatar
Written by Noah Feasey-Kemp
Updated over a month ago

DJ.Studio Sample Lanes: We added two extra audio lanes for samples!

You can add additional samples over the top of your mix, at any point in the timeline.

This can be at the same time as two songs playing - meaning there can be a total of 4 different audio tracks playing at once (2 songs + 2 sample tracks).

There are two sample lanes, meaning you can have a voiceover, and extra DJ effects at the same time. (Or any other combo of samples you choose). These will all be included in your final mix when sharing/exporting it.

Check out this video for a detailed tutorial on how to use the sample lane feature:

How To Use Sample Lanes:

  1. Create a new project (or open an existing one). This works in either Local File or YouTube Project Mode.

  2. Open the settings menu, by clicking the top right cog icon.

  3. Scroll down to the Samples option, and enable Show Sample Lines. (This option is only currently turned off by default as the feature is in beta).

  4. Head over to Studio View

  5. You will now see a total of 4 tracks on the timeline:

    1. Deck 1

    2. Deck 2

    3. Sample 1

    4. Sample 2

  6. Now you want to add Audio Samples to your project.

    1. Click on the Samples Tab at the bottom of the screen.

    2. Click the +Add Sample button.

    3. Use the file locator, or drag and drop a sample to the window

    4. Wait a moment for DJ.Studio to analyze the key and BPM of imported samples.

    5. You will now see your imported samples in the sample browser. These samples will be available in all of your projects - the sample folder is shared.

    6. Simply drag and drop these samples to the desired location on the timeline (on either sample lane). You can click the sample in the browser to preview the audio. Click on the Three Dots on the right of each sample to open the Sample Details window (explained below)

Other Sample Functions

After you’ve added samples to your project, there are several other actions you can take.

  • Moving Samples - Simply click and drag the nameplate of a sample to move it earlier or later in time. Samples are quantized to the grid points automatically and are beat-matched to the BPM.

  • Deleting Samples - Click a sample, and press DEL/Backspace to remove it from the timeline. Or, right-click the sample and select Delete Sample from the menu.

  • Edit Sample Volume - Each sample has its own independent volume control. To change the sample volume.
    1. Click on the sample you want to edit.
    2. Click the volume slider on the sample’s track controls on the left.
    3. You will now see a white line on the sample.
    4. Click on the line to create moveable volume points. Here you can change and automate the sample’s volume.

  • Adjust Sample EQ/Filter - The same process above can be repeated for the EQ and filter controls, to create additional automation.

  • Solo Sample Lane - Sample lanes can be temporarily soloed, so you can isolate the sound and silence everything else. Click the Headphone Icon at the top right of the sample track controls.

    Click it again to un-solo it.

Creating Samples From Tracks

You can create samples from sections of tracks in the timeline. This is useful if you want to move pieces of a song elsewhere in the project, or want to sample a vocal/drum break, etc.

  1. Highlight the section you want to sample by Shift+Clicking and dragging the mouse over the area.

  2. Right-click the selected area, and choose Save to Sample.

  3. You will now see the chosen area added to the sample lane.

Creating Samples with Stems

If you have access to the Stems feature, you can create isolated stems samples from your tracks.

Vocal Isolation (Acapella Creation)

You can use the Stem technology to isolate vocals from a track and create a new acapella vocal sample. This is useful if you want to make mashups and remixes, or use vocal slices from one track in other places in your mix.

  1. Highlight any section of a track with shift+click

  2. Right-click the section, and choose Copy Vocals

  3. This will create a new audio sample in the Sample Lane, containing the isolated vocal elements.

  4. You can then copy this, move it anywhere on the timeline, and apply automated effects.

Instrumental Isolation

The Stem Separator can be used to create samples from any of the audio types. This is another fun way to create exciting remixes, mashups, and new isolated samples based on your chosen layer.

  1. Highlight any section of a track with shift+click

  2. Right-click the track, and choose either

    1. Copy Drums - Isolates the drums and percussion of the selected section.

    2. Copy Bass - Isolates the bassline.

    3. Copy Melody - Isolates melodic and harmonic elements, like the synths, keys, guitars, and other instruments.

  3. This will create an audio sample on the Sample Lane based on your chosen element.

Extending and Looping Samples

You can easily or loop samples.

  1. Loop -

    Hover the mouse over the top bar of a sample, until you see the circular arrow mouse cursor. Now drag the mouse to loop the sample.

  2. Extend -

    Hover over the lower half of the sample frame until you see the < > arrow cursors, now click and drag to extend or shorten the sample fame.

The Sample Details Window

The Sample Details window shows information relating to the chosen sample and provides a few useful actions.

The top section gives you a button for downloading the sample, letting you save it as a new file on your PC. You can also change the name of the sample here.

The second section allows you to:

  • Quantize Sample - This chooses whether the sample is beatmatched to the BPM grid, or it plays at its original speed. Turn this on for rhythmic samples like drum loops, turm it off for sounds you don't want changed, like a voiceover.

  • BPM - Manually change the BPM speed of the sample, and see the detected BPM.

The third section shows key and duration info, as well as providing a few more controls:

  • Trim - The yellow Trim bar lets you change the start and end position of the sample, helping you to cut out unwanted gaps or sections.

  • Delete - Removes the sample from your library

  • Cancel - Closes the window without making any changes

  • Save as new - Creates a copy of the sample with the new changes

  • Save - Overwrites the original sample with the new changed properties

The Sample Library

The sample library is sorted into tabs, which let you find the sample you're looking for in an instant. Stems samples are marker with the coordinating stem color.

  • Mix: Contains only the samples that are in the mix you're working on

  • Library: This is your complete sample library. Too many samples to find the one you're looking for? Just use the search bar on the top right.

  • Acapella: When you have split the vocal from a complete tracks using stems the sample is automatically added to your library

The following tabs are only visible if you have samples created from stems:

  • Vocals

  • Drums

  • Bass

  • Melody

Adding Voice Overs

You can use the the sample lanes (and custom voiceover lane) to add additional voiceover audio to your mixes.

Simply enable the voiceover lane option in the settings. The voiceover lane is side-chained to the master, meaning that the music's volume can be dipped slightly to make room for the voice!

I have some DJ Drops in MP3 format. How do I same them as samples to that I can later add them into my mixes?

Go to the studio and then the samples tab. Click add and add them to your mix, or your library:

Don't forget to switch off the Quantize function on the drops.

And switch on the Voiceover lane. Samples placed in there get automatically sidechained on the master volume.

How do I stop samples being quantized? How do I keep samples at their original BPM and beat?

  1. Go to the Samples tab in the Studio screen

  2. Click in the 3 dots behind the sample

  3. Deselect the Quantize sample setting

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