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Mixed In Key Integration

Learn how to connect Mixed In Key, and how to use the DJ.Studio integration features.

Noah Feasey-Kemp avatar
Written by Noah Feasey-Kemp
Updated over a week ago

Mixed In Key is a unique piece of software that can be integrated into DJ.Studio for additional functionality.

The core purpose of Mixed In Key is detecting the keys of tracks, although it has a range of other features which can be used within DJ.Studio.

Mixed In Key trial

When you create an account at DJ.Studio, you receive a 200 song analysis from Mixed In Key.
That way you can try out the following features for free on the first 200 songs imported into your DJ.Studio library: MIK Key detection, MIK energy detection and segments and MIK Cue points.
After the 200 song analysis or after your trial of 14 days has ended, you will see this screen:

You can
a. Continue without Mixed In Key and use DJ.Studio's key and BPM algorithm, which is als very good. Select "don't show again" and click Continue without Mixed in Key
b. Buy MIK if you don't own Mixed In Key yet
c. or click Buy to enter the MIK VIP code which you already have

Activating Mixed In Key for DJ.Studio

Owners of Mixed In Key can easily unlock the DJ.Studio integration by:

1. Copy your Mixed In Key VIP code:

a. You will be sent an email with your VIP code after buying Mixed In Key.

b. If you lost your code, you can recover it here -

2. Click on the Mixed In Key banner at the top of the screen or go to Settings > Connections > Online Services.

3. Paste your MIK VIP code into the activation box

4. Click Activate.

You will now have unlimited use of the Mixed In Key features within DJ.Studio:

  • MIK Key detection

  • MIK energy detection and segments

  • MIK Cue points

If you don’t own Mixed In Key, you can try out the features for free on the first 200 songs imported into your DJ.Studio library and use this link to buy Mixed in Key.

Mixed In Key Integration Features

The following sections explain the features of Mixed In Key integration in more detail:

Key Detection

When you import tracks into a playlist, the Mixed In Key analysis algorithm is used to detect their key. You will see the Mixed In Key logo start spinning at the top of the screen.

You can click on the banner to see the progress of the analysis.

In the library browser, you will see the key detected by Mixed In Key. If the blue circular logo is next to the key symbol, it means the key is the result of the Mixed In Key analysis.

Energy Detection

Energy levels are also detected for imported music.

This is a useful feature that makes a note of the relative energy of a whole track. This is handy if you want to quickly find tracks with a certain energy, for example, if you want to bring up the vibes or cool them down.

The energy level for each track is marked in the NRG column of the library browser.

Energy levels are scored from 1-10, with 1 being the lowest energy and 10 being the highest.

Energy levels are calculated based on the content of the songs and aren’t necessarily linked to tempo.

Energy Segments

Besides the overall energy of a track being analyzed, Mixed In Key also assesses the energy of tracks throughout each section, and creates energy segments.

These energy segments are also visible for tracks in the DJ.Studio timeline.

You can see each section, with its given energy rating (from 1-10).

These help to plan out your mix, and quickly find certain energy sections of songs. For example, you can easily jump straight to the pounding high-energy sections, or you can find a mellower breakdown to use in a transition.

By clicking on the segment, it automatically selects the entire section in the timeline, so you can easily delete sections in one click, without needing to manually select the timeframe.

How To Enable MIK Energy Segments In Timeline

Follow these steps to enable the MIK Energy Segment Markers:

1. Activate MIK in DJ.Studio at Settings > Connections > Online Services.

2. Turn the MIK Key analysis on Settings> Connections > Online Services > Mixed In Key > Key Analysis

Turn on the MIK 'Cue points' and 'Energy levels' in Settings > Connection > Library > Mixed In Key

3. Look at tracks that you imported after you have enabled the settings mentioned at point 1 and 2.

Quick Options

You can also quickly open some MIK settings by clicking the MIK logo in the top bar.

(Note that this will only be visible if MIK key analysis is activated in the settings)

Cue Points

Mixed In Key also has an algorithm to detect cue points These are marked as grey flags on tracks in the DJ.Studio timeline.

This is also another good way to quickly arrange songs, as you don’t need to listen through the entire track to work out where different sections are.

Connecting Your Mixed In Key Library

You can also connect your Mixed In Key library to DJ.Studio.

This is useful if you use the Mixed In Key standalone software to organize your tracks.

To see your MIK library in DJ.Studio:

  1. Click the cog icon at the top right of the DJ.Studio interface.

  2. Scroll down to Library

  3. Select Mixed In Key

  4. Now, in the DJ.Studio Library Manager, you will see the Mixed In Key Tab. This should automatically detect your MIK library folder, but you can also manually select it.

Enjoy using Mixed In Key with DJ.Studio!

FAQs About Mixed In Key Integration

My tracks are already analyzed with MIK, why does DJ.Studio re-analyze them?

If you have the MIK integration enabled in DJ.Studio and you add tracks, you get 3 things
- The key analyzed by MIK
- MIK's cue points
- MIK's energy segments

At Settings> Library > Mixed in Key > you can enable those two settings

And it will look like this:

If you are not interested in the cue points and energy segments, you can disable that at Settings > Online services > Mixed in Key

And make sure that at Settings > General > Key to use is set to Original key. That way DJ.Studio will use the key that is stored in the files itself, which is MIK's key because your songs are already analyzed via MIK.

DJ.Studio cannot find Mixed In Key library folder

If you see the message "DJ.Studio could not find your Mixed In library" please follow the instructions on this guide - Locating Integration Folders

Is Mixed In Key included in DJ.Studio?

DJ.Studio and Mixed In Key are two separate products, so they are two separate purchases, but you can use DJ.Studio without MIK. Our key analysis is also high quality.

Do I need to buy Mixed In Key to use DJ.Studio?

​You don't need to purchase Mixed In Key to use DJ.Studio, as it comes with its own effective key analysis algorithm. The integration with Mixed In Key is designed for DJs who already use it and want consistent track analysis with the same algorithm.

I entered my MIK VIP code and I keep getting an error, I'm using MIK 8.

Sorry, the integration with MIK only works for MIK 10 or later ;-(

What do I do when my Mixed In Key activation code is not working?

If you are experiencing issues activating your Mixed In Key VIP code, email and explain the issue you have. They will be able to help you.

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