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Log in & Account Management

How to create, log in, and manage a DJ.Studio account.

Fleur van der Laan avatar
Written by Fleur van der Laan
Updated today

Logging In

To log in to DJ.Studio, you need to

  1. download the app from

  2. Install the app

  3. Log in into the software with your DJ.Studio account.
    a. if you don't have an account > Click Create account
    b. if you already have an account > Click Log in

    c. if you bought DJ.Studio, but you don't have an account yet > Click Activate here at the bottom of the screen.

4. A browser window will open so you can choose which login provider you want to use for your account.

Linked Login Accounts

You can register a DJ.Studio account using any of the following account services:

  • Google

  • Microsoft

  • Apple

  • Facebook

You agree to our Terms of Service and acknowledge the Privacy Policy. by logging in.

Frequently asked questions about accounts

Why must I register with a third-party email like Google or Microsoft? Why can't I use my own email?

You will need to register an account through a third-party service. We chose this option because it's the safest and most cyber-secure choice for a company like ours.

  1. We don't have any passwords stored, so getting a leak is impossible.

  2. The third party doesn't get any information from you or the DJ.Studio.

These third parties have some of the most secure digital services and will keep your information safe.

How do I delete my account?

To delete your account:

  1. Go to settings > account

  2. At the bottom of the screen click the link click here to delete your account.

We will delete your account and all stored information. Note that if you sign in to DJ.Studio again, we will automatically create a new account.

So, don't log in again after a few days, because our system will automatically create a new account for you due to our social login process.

If your trial is expired, you can't delete your own account yourself.
Can you send us a message with the text "Connect to a human" and mention that you want to have your account deleted. We will delete it for you.

How do I change my login account to a different email address?

Please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new account using the new email address you’d like to use for your DJ.Studio license.

  2. Once the new account is set up, contact our support team at and provide us with the email address of the old and the new account.

We’ll transfer your license to the new account as soon as possible.

I purchased DJ.Studio, but it's showing me I need to subscribe

If you have purchased/subscribed to DJ.Studio, but you're seeing a message to upgrade or subscribe, you are probably logged in to DJ.Studio with another account than the account that you used to buy DJ.Studio. When you log in, you need to use the same email and the same login provider (Google, Apple, Facebook), or a new account is created.

To solve this issue, you should take the following steps:

1. Can you go to Settings > account

2. You will see the email address with which you are currently logged in.

3. Click the sign-out link to the right of your email address

4. Log back into DJ.Studio

5. Choose the login option that you used to buy DJ.Studio. You can check your inboxes and search for DJ.Studio to find which email address you used to buy DJ.Studio.


Can you delete my account for me?

You can delete your own account

  1. Go to Settings > account

  2. At the bottom of the screen click the link click here to delete your account.

We will delete your account and all stored information. Note that if you sign in to DJ.Studio again, we will automatically create a new account.

Only if your trial is expired, we can delete your account for you.
Send us a message with the text "Connect to a human" and mention that you want to have your account deleted. We will delete it for you.

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