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Mix Menu

Discover the functions of the Mix Menu dropdown

Noah Feasey-Kemp avatar
Written by Noah Feasey-Kemp
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The dropdown menu in the top-left corner gives you several commands relating to your mix.

Mix Menu Commands

The following actions can be taken from the mix menu.

Note - If any actions would take you out of the project (close/new/open etc), and you have unsaved changes in the current project, DJ.Studio will ask if you want to save - making sure you don't lose any work.

  • New - Starts the dialogue for creating a new mix project.

  • Open - Takes you to the mix project browser so you can open a different project.

  • Open Recent - Shows a dropdown of recent projects you've been working on, so you can quickly jump to another session.

  • Close - Exits the current project and returns to the DJ.Studio home screen.

  • Save - Save your work to the current project file, creating a new

  • Save as... - Opens a dialogue letting you save the current project as a new project file, also letting you rename it.

  • Revert to - Opens a sub-menu displaying older versions of the current project, letting you reload them if you want to go back to an earlier stage. (Learn more here > Saving Projects)

  • Edit - Let's you change the Title, Artist, Genre and Description of your mix.

  • Import mix... - Lets you import backed up .DJS mixes from a location on your hard drive. Learn more here > Mix Management, Backups

  • Export - Open the export window for recording your mix and creating a finished mix audio or video file.

This mix menu can also be opened from the 'File' button in your operating system.

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